
  • uu saepudin Universitas Galuh
  • dedi sutrisna universitas galuh
  • asep suhendra universitas galuh

Kata Kunci:

Aggregate Gradation, Asphalt Content, Marshall Test


The Department of Highways, West Java Province, Service Area V, Tasikmalaya, in an effort to increase the service life of the road, has used the technology of AC-WC worn-out asphalt asphalt mixture. One of them is the improvement of the Tasikmalaya - Karangnunggal road, Tasikmalaya Regency. Visually, after the implementation of the AC-WC wear layer, cracks were found, it is possible that there was a discrepancy with the specifications, so it was necessary to analyze the quality of the AC-WC worn out lastton mixture on the Tasikmalaya - Karangnunggal road, Tasikmalaya Regency.

The purpose of the study was to determine the quality of the AC-WC worn layered concrete mix and to determine the characteristics of the AC-WC worn layered concrete mixture against the marshall test on the Tasikmlaya - Karangnunggal road, Tasikmalaya Regency. The method used in this study is an experimental method carried out in the laboratory for testing the quality of the mixture. Sampling of test materials in the field using a Core Drill (Coring) tool and then extracted.

The results showed that the quality of the AC-WC worn layer concrete mixture on the Tasikmlaya - Karangnunggal road, Tasikmalaya Regency was good, based on the results of testing the gradation of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate indicating that the aggregate used was in accordance with the specifications. The results of the apparent density test (apparent) of the coarse aggregate of 3.18 gr/ml > 2.50 gr/ml and the fine aggregate of 3.85 gr/ml > 2.50 gr/ml mean that the aggregate is good. The average value of water absorption for coarse aggregate is 1.11% < 3% and the average water absorption for fine aggregate is 2.8%

< 3%, these results indicate that the aggregate is good to use. Characteristics of the AC-WC worn layer concrete mixture against the marshall test on the Tasikmlaya-Karangnunggal road, Tasikmalaya Regency, obtained a stability value of 859.45 kg, while the minimum requirement was 800 kg. The asphalt content value is 5.40%, this result shows that it meets the specifications used at 4.9% - 5.5%, so it is good to be used as a pavement material. Although the stability value of the mixture is not too high, this result still meets the standards for hot mix asphalt type Laston Lapis Aus (AC-WC).

