Author Guideline
By submitting articles to Moderat : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pemerintahan, the author proves that:
- Submitted works are original works, free from any form of plagiarism (text, data and images).
- Submissions have not been previously published, nor are they being considered by another journal.
- Submissions have been approved by all co-authors and relevant authorities (eg institutions or sponsors).
- The manuscript has been (to the best of the author's ability) written in good Indonesian or English and free from grammatical errors. It has been checked with proofreading tools (eg Grammarly) and, if possible, corrected by language editors.
Title. Use concise and informative titles in sentence form, with a maximum of 14 words.
Affiliate. Provide the full postal address of each author's affiliation, including street name and number, city, zip code, and country.
Abstract. It must consist of one paragraph of no more than 200 words. Provide background and purpose (including originality), main results, and conclusion. Avoid using abbreviations and quotes.
Keywords. Include up to five keywords or phrases, arranged alphabetically and separated by semicolons (;). Use specific and relevant terms that don't appear in the title, so that articles are easier to find in search engines. Don't use terms that are too general or too long.
Background. This section should briefly explain the research background, provide a brief review of the relevant literature, state the originality of the research, and state the research objectives.
Library Study. Literature review contains theories and conceptions derived from books and other literature that are in accordance with studies and research. For reference sources (theory books) it is expected to use the last 10 years of publication. The preferred references for research articles are primary sources in the form of journals and research reports (including theses, theses, and/or dissertations) or research articles in scientific journals and/or magazines. Utilization of information technology can be seen from the use of reference sources from scientific articles that are published at least in national journals.
Method. Contains the type of research, time and place of research, goals/objectives, research subjects, procedures, instruments and data analysis techniques as well as other matters related to research methods. goals/objectives, research subjects, procedures, data and instruments, and data collection techniques, as well as data analysis techniques and other matters related to research methods can be written in sub-sections, with sub-headings. Subtitles do not need to be notated, but are written in lower case starting with a capital letter, times new roman-12 unbold, left aligned. However, if the research method uses literature review, the writer is not required to complete the elements mentioned above but only includes the type of research, research objectives/subjects and data analysis techniques.
Results and Discussion. Explain the results of the research. Data should be presented as concisely as possible, and in the form of tables or figures if appropriate, although very large tables should be avoided. If necessary, this section can be combined withDiscussionpart toResults and Discussionpart. This section should be an interpretation of the work (not a repetition of it) in the context of previous research. Avoid excessive references from published literature. If needed, this section can be combined withResultspart to beResults and Discussionpart.
Conclusion. The main conclusions of the research can be presented independentlyConclusionpart of or included as a subsection ofDiscussionpart.
Bibliography. For efficiency and brevity purposes, avoid using references more than 25 and less than 10. Moderat : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pemerintahan using an APA based author-dated citation systemStyle and Format. Authors are strongly encouraged to use a reference manager such as Mendeley to build their bibliography.
Detail Format
Please note that Moderat : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pemerintahan, the editor has the right to change the format of the article to follow the style of the journal or maintain consistency.
Title. Use no more than three levels of headings (eg 2, 2.1, and 2.1.1, but no
Abbreviation. Abbreviations must be given in the first instance of the full term and used consistently thereafter.
Figures and tables
Image size and quality. When setting up your figure, measure it to fit the column width (either 80 mm or 170 mm), with a maximum height of 230 mm. Make sure the image is high enough resolution for easy viewing (minimum 300 dpi).
- Image formats. Send images in image file format (png, jpeg, tiff), vector (eps, svg), or pdf. Don't send it in a Power Point presentation format.
- Charts created with Microsoft Excel must also be submitted in the original Excel file. Present graphics in 2D (not 3D), without shadows or other effects, and without gridlines.
- Table size. Size chart to fit any column width (either 80 mm or 170 mm), with a maximum height of 230 mm. Use only horizontal lines for borders.
- Numbering of tables and figures. Each table and figure must be cited in the text in numerical order using Arabic numerals (i.e. Figure 2 cannot be cited before Figure 1). Tables should be referred to as "Table" and numbers as "Figures" (not "Figures."). Place table footnotes below the table, indicated by superscript lowercase letters or asterisks (for significance values and other statistical data). Mark parts of the image with lowercase letters (eg Figure 1a, Figure 1b).
- Captions for tables and figures. Each table and figure must have a title or description, which must be concise but clear enough to describe its main components separately from the text. If tables or figures contain previously published material, cite the original source at the end of the description. If the result is expressed as a percentage, state the absolute value that corresponds to 100%. Mention in the description if the image has been altered or enhanced in any way.
- Image formatting. The photo should have an internal marking scale and symbols, and the arrows or letters should contrast sharply against the background.
- File submission. Submit each image as a separate file, and all tables in a separate file. You should also annotate tables and figures in separate text files. For example, if your manuscript contains four figures and three tables, then you will have seven files to submit: 1 script file, 4 image files, 1 table file, and 1 text file.
- File naming. Name your image file "Image" with the image number; eg Image1.jpeg. Name your table file "Table"; eg Tables.docx orxlsx.
Italic. Words that do not originate from the Indonesian language must be italicized, except for terms that are widely used in English; for exampleYesAndAzhar, but in vitro and vice versa. Do not italicize the word forpressure.
Number. Give numbers less than two digits (i.e. eight, nine, 10, 11), except when using them in a technical context or to present data, such as in materials and methods or results. Spell “percent” in the text, and do not use the (%) symbol, except in tables or figures or when presenting material (eg 70% service).