Author Guidelines

Manuscript submission steps

Prepare a script

  • Make sure your manuscript has not been published before, is not being considered for publication elsewhere, and is approved by all co-authors.
  • Make sure your manuscript fits the purpose and scope of the journal.
  • Make sure your manuscript is written in a template according to the type of article.
  • Make sure your manuscript is in clear and readable English.
  • Understand ethical responsibilities and copyright agreements.
  • Understand the editorial policies of this journal.

Online Submission

Authors must register with the journal before submitting or, if already registered, log in and begin the submission process. Next, you wait for the decision from the editor.

Manuscript content and formatting

The article contains the title, author information, abstract, information, introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusions, limitations, future research directions, acknowledgments, statements, and references.

Articles containing 3000-5000 words in a single space. Text fonts are calibrated with size according to the specified part (see template).


The title should be concise and informative.

Author information

Author information consists of name, affiliation, and correspondence address.


The abstract consists of the background, methodology, results, and conclusions.


Keywords consist of 4 to 6 words which can be used for indexing purposes.

Article information

Article information consists of article history (received, revised, accepted, and published) and cite articles.


The introduction contains the background, gaps, objectives, and research framework.


The methodology of research articles consists of context, participants, research design, measurement, data collection, and analysis techniques. The method of review article describes review techniques from identifying and screening the works to be reviewed to their analysis.

The results consist of a clear summary of the findings and a discussion exploring the findings.


All tables are numbered using Arabic numerals. Tables must always be cited in the text in sequential numerical order. The table is given a title that describes the components of the table.


All pictures are numbered using Arabic numerals. Images must always be cited in text in sequential numerical order. The image is given a title that describes the components of the table.


Use the equation editor or MathType for equations.


The conclusion consists of a statement to answer the purpose and contribution of this research to the advancement of current knowledge and future follow-up.

Limitations and future directions

Limitations are situations and conditions that limit research so that they can affect the conclusions of the research results. These limitations can provide opportunities for future research. Describe the future direction of this research.


Acknowledgments are statements to those who assist research, especially funding supporters.


A declaration is a statement about the contribution of each author, availability of data and materials, absence of conflict of interest, or other information.


the references are journals, proceedings, and books that are relevant, up-to-date, and on an international scale. Reference using APA style.

Article in Journal:

Faraji, L., Karimi, M. (2022). Botanical gardens as valuable resources in plant sciences. Biodivers Conserv, 31(12), 2905–2926.  

Proceedings article:

Tawfeeq, B.M., Elborombaly, H.E.H.O., Altwanasy, A.K.A. (2021). Evaluation of the Sustainable Building Materials for Economic Housing in Egypt. In: Alalouch, C., Piselli, C., Cappa, F. (eds) Towards Implementation of Sustainability Concepts in Developing Countries. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer, Cham.


Cheung, C. (2022). Production dynamics for life quality in the Incipient 21st century. Springer Singapore.

Book that consists of some articles:

Niemelä, J., Koivula, M., Kotze, D.J. (2006). The effects of forestry on carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in boreal forests. In: New, T.R. (eds), Beetle Conservation. Springer, Dordrecht.